A: Kaplan-Meier survival plots for F98 glioma bearing rats. Survival times have been plotted for untreated animals (●), irradiated controls (○), and animals that received i.v. BPA (◆) or N5-2OH either alone (▲) or in combination with BPA (◇). Fig. 3B: Cox survival plots for F98 glioma bearing rats. Survival times have been plotted for untreated animals (●), irradiated controls (○), and animals that received i.v. BPA (◆) or N5-2OH either alone (▲) or in combination with BPA (◇). It should be noted that Cox's method performs a simultaneous fit of the survival curves using all the data points with a partial likelihood approach. Therefore, the number of data points in each curve includes all of the death times, rather than those animals in a specific group.