Fig 3. Scanning electron micrographs of Phasmarhabditis huizhouensis sp. nov.
(A) and (B) Head of females (LS: labial sensilla; a: amphid; CS: cephalic sensilla). (C) Head of male. (D) Anterior region of male showing excretory pore (exp). (E) Magnification of the excretory pore. (F) and (G) Lateral fields of females (1–4: 4 incisures compose the three middle ridges/bands). (H) Lateral field of male. (I) and (J) Ventral and lateral views of female tails (ph: phasmid). (K) Magnification of female phasmid. (L) and (M) Male caudal region with an open bursa as well as its 9 pairs of genital papillae (1–9) (cp: cloacal papillae). [(B), (F), (I), (J) and (K) were captured by the Hitachi_S-3400N scanning electron microscope, others by the Hitachi_S-450].