Fig. 2.
Baseline VOR in response to transient steps of acceleration. A: example of overlaid slow-phase eye velocities (inverted; gray) in response to sudden steps of acceleration (1,500°/s2) followed by a constant velocity plateau (100°/s) in 1 cba129 (control) mouse (A1) and 1 α9-knockout mouse (A2). Individual VOR gains were measured during the constant velocity part and constant acceleration part of the stimulus. Latency of the VOR response was determined with the zero velocity intercept of head acceleration and eye acceleration linear fits. B: acceleration gain (GA; left) and velocity gain (GV; right) in response to 3 acceleration and velocity stimuli. α9-Knockout mice demonstrated significantly lower GA compared with cba129 mice at 6,000°/s2. No difference between mouse types was observed for GV. *Significant difference between mouse type baseline gains.