Mode of OA on T3SS induction in R. solanacearum. The hrp gene expression in R. solanacearum is directly controlled by HrpB. HrpB is further controlled by two independent cascades PchA-PrhG and PrhA-PrhR/I-PrhJ-HrpG. The global regulator PhcA can also modulate T3SS expression through PrhI and HrpG (Peeters et al., 2013b). In this study, we observed that the T3SS inducer OA induced the type III effector gene expression (e.g., popA, RipD, RipW, and RipP1) through the HrpG-HrpB pathway. Ovals with gray background indicate regulators that induced by OA. Solid line arrows indicate the direct induction of these regulators by OA. IM, inner membrane; OM, outer membrane.