Fig 3. Cell crowding leads to fluidisation of tissue.
(a) The relationship between velocity and radial distance is examined for varying number density. Keeping the values of other parameters same as in previous simulations, the absolute velocity, |v| averaged over time, after the system reaches steady state, is plotted as a function of radial distance for varying number of cells N = {140, 150, 160, 170}. As the number density of system increases, the velocity-radial distance curve become less linear, indicating the presence of shear in the system. (b) Variation of principal shear strain rate along the radial distance plotted as a function of number density. Increase in shear rate with number density illustrates the fluidisation of tissue induced by cell density. (c) Vorticity of system decreases with increase in cell density. (d) Without considering the effect of contact inhibition, mean velocity of the system increases with number density.