In the dry season, what is the main source of drinking water for members of your household? |
01 = Piped water into dwelling 02 = Piped water to yard/plot 03 = Public tap/standpipe 04 = Tubewell/borehole 05 = Protected dug well 06 = Unprotected dug well 07 = Protected spring 08 = Unprotected spring 09 = Rainwater collection 10 = Water vendor 11 = Surface water (e.g. river, dam, lake, canal) 99 = Other (specify) |
How long does it take to go there, get water, and come back? |
1 = Water source in the yard 2 = Less than 30 minutes 3 = Between 30 minutes and 1 hour 4 = More than 1 hour |
In the dry season, what is the main source of water used by your household for washing faces? |
01 = Piped water into dwelling 02 = Piped water to yard/plot 03 = Public tap/standpipe 04 = Tubewell/borehole 05 = Protected dug well 06 = Unprotected dug well 07 = Protected spring 08 = Unprotected spring 09 = Rainwater collection 10 = Water vendor 11 = Surface water (e.g. river, dam, lake, canal) 99 = Other (specify) |
If you collected water there to bring back to the house, how long would it take to go there, get water, and come back? |
0 = All face washing done at water source 1 = Water source in the yard 2 = Less than 30 minutes 3 = Between 30 minutes and 1 hour 4 = More than 1 hour |
Where do you and other adults in the household usually defecate? |
1 = Shared or public latrine 2 = Private latrine 3 = No structure, outside near the house 4 = No structure, in the bush or field 9 = Other |
Ask to see the latrine/toilet. Observation: What kind of toilet facility do the adults in the household use? |
01 = Flush/pour flush to piped sewer system 02 = Flush/pour flush to septic tank 03 = Flush/pour flush to pit latrine 04 = Flush/pour flush to open drains 05 = Flush/pour flush to unknown place 06 = Ventilated improved pit latrine 07 = Pit latrine with slab 08 = Pit latrine without slab/open pit 09 = Composting toilet 10 = Bucket 11 = Hanging toilet/hanging latrine 12 = No facilities or bush or field 99 = Other (specify) |
Observation: Is there a handwashing facility within 15 m of the latrine/toilet? |
0 = No 1 = Yes 5 = Not applicable (no latrine/toilet) |
Observation: At the time of the visit, is water available at the handwashing facility? |
0 = No 1 = Yes 5 = Not applicable (no handwashing facility) |
Observation: At the time of the visit, is soap or ash available at the handwashing facility? |
0 = No 1 = Yes 5 = Not applicable (no handwashing facility) |