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. 2015 Dec 21;10(12):e0145402. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0145402

Table 8. Estimates of daily energy expenditure (DEE) of a lesser kestrel for foraging, resting and total (foraging + resting) when using a pure soaring-gliding flight strategy or a flapping flight strategy at minimum power (Vmp) and maximum range (Vmr) speeds.

Power Resting DEE Resting Power Foraging DEE Foraging Total DEE
Daytime 16.52 hours/day 14.26–18.11 9.29–24 7.48 hours/day 5.89–9.74 0.00–14.71 24 hours/day
Soaring-Gliding 1.35 W 80.29 KJ/day 69.30–88.01 45.15–116.64 1.62 W 43.62 KJ/day 34.35–56.80 0.00–85.79 123.91 KJ/day 122.36–126.10 116.64–130.94
Flapping at Vmp 1.35 W 80.29 KJ/day 69.30–88.01 45.15–116.64 5.02 W 135.18 KJ/day 106.44–176.02 0.00–265.84 215.47 KJ/day 194.45–245.32 116.64–310.99
Flapping at Vmr 1.35 W 80.29 KJ/day 69.30–88.01 45.15–116.64 6.26 W 168.57 KJ/day 132.74–219.50 0.00–331.50 248.86 KJ/day 220.75–288.80 116.64–376.65

We show median values of energy expenditure, the first and third quartiles, and the range, from top to bottom within each cell.

Sample size = 264 complete days.