Fig. 9.
a Probabilities of the three CBM Tyr residues (466, 492, and 493) being contact in contact to only lignin, only cellulose, both lignin and not bound to either (unbound). b The crossing angle between the ring normals of the three CBM Tyr residues (466, 492, and 493) and the closest (within 5 Å) biomass ring (the glucose ring of cellulose or the phenolic ring of lignin). The dotted lines are distributions that would be obtained without an angular energetic preference from a random distribution. c Number of contacts per lignin residue with the enzyme (top), other lignins (middle), or cellulose (bottom). Contacts are labeled as “ring” when involving the lignin atoms C–C, O, O, and C, while “chain” involves atoms C–C, O–O