Table 1.
Species | N | Country | Fixative | 3D |
Aphilanthops frigidus | 2 | USA | AAF | yes |
Clypeadon laticinctus | 3 | USA | AAF | yes |
Cerceris arenaria | 2 | Germany | Bouin | yes |
Cerceris quinquefasciata | 3 | Germany | AAF | yes |
Philanthinus quattuordecimpunctatus | 3 | Turkey | EtOH | yes |
Trachypus flavidus | 1 | Brazil | EtOH | yes |
Trachypus elongatus | 3 | Brazil | AAF | yes |
Trachypus patagonensis | 1 | Brazil | AAF | no |
Trachypus boharti | 3 | Brazil | AAF | yes |
Philanthus venustus | 1 | Turkey | AAF | yes |
Philanthus coronatus | 1 | Germany | Bouin | yes |
Philanthus triangulum | 3 | Germany | Bouin | no |
Philanthus triangulum diadema | 3 | South Africa | AAF | yes |
Philanthus capensis | 1 | South Africa | AAF | yes |
Philanthus loefflingi | 3 | South Africa | AAF | yes |
Philanthus rugosus | 3 | South Africa | AAF | yes |
Philanthus melanderi | 1 | South Africa | AAF | yes |
Philanthus bicinctus | 1 | USA | Bouin | yes |
Philanthus ventilabris | 2 | USA | AAF | yes |
Philanthus crabroniformis | 1 | USA | AAF | no |
Philanthus multimaculatus | 1 | USA | AAF | yes |
Philanthus barbiger | 2 | USA | AAF | yes |
Philanthus gibbosus | 3 | USA | Bouin | yes |
Philanthus albopilosus | 2 | USA | Bouin | yes |
Philanthus psyche | 2 | USA | AAF | yes |
Philanthus pulcher | 1 | USA | AAF | no |
List of species included in the comparative morphological study of head glands of female Philanthinae, including information on the number of specimens examined (N), collection site of the species (Country), the fixative agent used for the histological preparation (Fixative; AAF = formalin-ethanol-acetic acid; Bouin = alcoholic Bouin; EtOH = 100 % ethanol), and whether a 3D-reconstruction of the head glands was conducted (3D; yes = 3D-reconstruction; no = glands not reconstructed)