A. Stress and coping in the care home |
1 What do you think are the issues that cause you stress at work? |
2 What sort of personal feelings do you have about working in a care home? |
3 If you had any negative feelings, how would you have normally dealt with them? |
4 Do you think that this was effective? |
B. Experience of the Be Mindful course. |
5 How did you feel about the course as a whole? (access, instructions, length of time taken, time negotiated with the manager to do the course) |
6 What about the content of the course? Is there a specific type of practice that you feel benefited you most? |
7 Did you personally feel any changes in your stress, anxiety or depression as a result of what you practiced or learned from the mindfulness course? |
8 Do you think that this practice would help to reduce sickness/absence rates? |
9 Are you still practicing some of the aspects you were taught on the course like mindfulness breathing? |
10 Would you recommend this course or anything similar to colleagues or friends who were complaining of stress, anxiety or depression? If so why and if not, why not? |
11 If you could change anything about the course, what would you suggest? |
12 Is there anything else you would like to add? |