Figure 2.
Bland–Altman plots of agreement.
Notes: Agreement between (A) the observed mean EQ-5D-3L UK utilities and the adjusted Dutch mean utilities, (B) the observed mean UK utilities and the observed Dutch mean utilities, (C) the observed mean UK utilities and the adjusted German mean utilities, (D) the observed mean UK utilities and the observed German mean utilities, (E) the observed mean UK utilities and the adjusted Spanish mean utilities, (F) the observed mean UK utilities and the observed Spanish mean utilities. There is better agreement between observed mean UK utilities and adjusted Dutch and German utilities than between observed mean UK utilities and observed Dutch and German utilities. As such, adjustment improves transferability of Dutch and German utilities to a UK setting. Adjustment of Spanish mean utilities does not seem to improve transferability to a UK setting.
Abbreviation: EQ-5D-3L, 3-level version of the EuroQol-5 Dimension of health questionnaire.