Table 1. List of parameters used for the characterization of MS lesions.
Diffusion | ||
1 | ADC | Apparent Diffusion Coefficient |
Texture | ||
2* | Energy | Measure of local uniformity of gray levels |
3* | Entropy | Measure of randomness of gray levels |
4* | Contrast | Measure of the amount of gray levels variations |
5* | Homogeneity | Measure of local homogeneity. It increases with less contrast |
6* | Correlation | Measure of linear dependency of gray levels of neighboring pixels |
7* | Inverse difference moment | Measure of local homogeneity of the gray levels |
8* | Sum average | Measure of overall image brightness |
9* | Sum variance | Measure of how spread out the sum of the gray levels of voxel pair is |
10* | Difference in variance | Measure of variation in the difference in gray levels between voxel pairs |
11† | SRE | Short Run Emphasis (first property of run-length distribution) |
12† | LRE | Long Run Emphasis |
13† | GLN | Gray-Level Nonuniformity |
14† | RLN | Run-Length Nonuniformity |
15† | RP | Run percentage |
16† | LGRE | Low Gray-Level Run Emphasis |
17† | HGRE | High Gray-Level Run Emphasis |
18† | SRLGE | Short Run Low Gray-Level Emphasis |
19† | SRHGE | Short Run High Gray-Level Emphasis |
20† | LRLGE | Long Run Low Gray-Level Emphasis |
21† | LRHGE | Long Run High Gray-Level Emphasis |
*Parameters derived from the co-occurrence matrix
† Parameters derived from the run length matrix.