CENP-N,-L,-T show coordinated behavior in all but the CENP-S KO. (A) For CENP-N, a scatterplot of H/L ratios from two replicate experiments is shown. The boxed area is enlarged to the right. Abbreviations and color-coding are as in Fig. 2. (B) Profile plots show the log2(H/L ratios) of all proteins in all experiments (gray lines). The interquartile population for all proteins detected in each experiment is contained in the box. Whiskers extend to 1.5 times interquartile range away from the edge of the box. The y axis is inversely labeled so that proteins that decrease in mutant chromosomes are plotted downward and those increase are plotted upwards. The behavior of CENP-H,-I,-K,-M is shown in blue with CENP-M as a thin line, CENP-N,-L is in red, and CENP-T is in green. (C) Profile plot showing the behavior of CENP-T (red), CENP-W (purple), CENP-S (blue), and CENP-X (green). Breaks in the lines occur when the small proteins were not detected in individual experiments. wt, wild type.