Fig 6. Transcriptome-wide binding of Nab3 in WT and npl3Δ.
A: Nab3 binding at the VHR2-THO1 locus, in both WT (blue) and npl3Δ (red) yeast. B: Metagene analysis of Nab3 binding across CUTs. Distribution of Nab3 at all CUTs in WT (blue) and npl3Δ (red) yeast, aligned by the TSS and 3' ends, with 100 nt flanks extending 100 nt into the 5' and 3' ends of transcripts. Only CUTs >150 nt were included in the analysis. C: Metagene analysis of Nab3 binding across snoRNAs. Distribution of Nab3 at all snoRNAs in WT (blue) and npl3Δ (red) yeast, aligned by the TSS and 3' ends, with 100 nt flanks extending 50 nt into the 5' and 3' ends of transcripts.