Reliability of Excitatory Monosynaptic Connections In Vivo
(A) Nine representative single trial uEPSPs from a reliable connection; the bottom trace shows the averaged uEPSP. Vm mark shows −60.2 mV.
(B) Same as (A) but for a smaller amplitude connection with lower reliability. Vm mark shows −70.7 mV.
(C and D) Population distribution of the (C) CV and (D) failure rate.
(E and F) The (E) CV and (F) failure rates plotted as a function of the uEPSP amplitude show a reduction for larger amplitude connections; each circle represents one connection.
(G) Population distribution of the CV after removal of trials with synaptic failures.
(H) The CV plotted as a function of the uEPSP amplitude after removal of trials with synaptic failures.
See also Figure S3.