Fig. 8.
Clinical examples of two low-grade carcinomas in situ. (a) Patient 1 (P1) ultrasound image taken from radio direction shows a oval mass (inside the yellow dashed circle) with circumscribed margins parallel to the skin. The mass center is located at 19.2 mm beneath the skin surface. A core biopsy revealed a ductal papilloma with low-grade ductal adenocarcinoma in situ. (d) Patient 2 (P2) ultrasound image shows an mass (inside the yellow dashed circle), located at 13.3 mm beneath the skin surface. A core biopsy revealed atypical ductal hyperplasia and low-grade carcinoma in situ. (b) and (e) show the reconstructed three-dimensional (3-D) tumor blood flow contrasts with FWHM thresholds for P1 and P2, respectively. The backgrounds are presented with 30% transparency of the original color clarity. For the comparison of ultrasound and ncDCT results, an ultrasound imaging plane along the transducer line and across the overlapped two specific sources (S1 and S2) is presented in the 3-D reconstructed image. (c) and (f) show the cross-section views of tumor flow contrast images through the ultrasound imaging planes, which can be directly compared to the 2-D ultrasound tumor images [(a) and (d)], respectively.