Fig. 1.
Isopimaric acid biosynthesis and localization of the participating enzymes. a Biosynthetic pathway of isopimaric acid from GGPP. The five enzymatic steps are catalyzed by diTPS-ISO and CYP720B4. b Schematic representation of the localization of the enzymes involved in the isopimaric acid pathway. DiTPS-ISO is located in the chloroplast, where it cyclizes GGPP to isopimaradiene, which is subsequently oxygenated by CYP720B4 in the ER. The electrons required by the CYP720B4 (CYP) are provided by a P450 oxido-reductase (POR) by oxidizing NADPH. The generic redox cofactor of the chloroplast ferredoxin (FD) is also indicated