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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Dec 23.
Published in final edited form as: Nat Rev Genet. 2007 Sep 11;8(10):776–790. doi: 10.1038/nrg2172

Table 1.

Major classes and distribution of ribozymes and RNA switches

Class Group Members Main functions Natural ligand Size (nucleotides) Distribution
Cleaving ribozymes
Self-cleaving Satellite RNAs Hammerhead Gene control (?); processing of multimeric transcripts during rolling-circle replication 65 Viroids, plant viral satellite RNA, eukaryotes (plants, crickets, amphibians, schistosomes)
Hairpin 75 Plant viral satellite RNA
VS 155 Satellite RNA of Neurospora spp. mitochondria
HDV 85 Human satellite virus
mRNAs CoTC Transcription termination (?) GTP 190 Primates
CPEB3 Splicing regulation (?) 70 Mammals
glmS Gene control GlcN6P 170 Gram+ bacteria
Trans-cleaving RNase P tRNA processing 140–500 Prokaryotes, eukaryotes
Splicing ribozymes
Group I Self-splicing Guanosine 200–1500 Organelles (fungi, plants, protists), bacteria, bacteriophages, mitochondria (animals)
Group II Self-splicing 300–3000 Organelles (fungi, plants, protists), bacteria, archaea
RNA switches
Thermosensors Gene control Variable Phages, bacteria, eukaryotes
sRNAs Gene control Hfq >85 Bacteria
T-boxes Gene control tRNA 190 Mostly Gram+ bacteria
Metabolites Coenzymes TPP Gene control TPP 100 Bacteria, archaea, eukaryotes (fungi, plants)
FMN Gene control FMN 120 Bacteria
AdoCbl Gene control AdoCbl 200 Bacteria
SAM-I Gene control SAM 105 Mostly Gram+ bacteria
SAM-II Gene control SAM 60 α- and β-proteobacteria
SAM-III (SMK) Gene control SAM 80 Gram– bacteria
Amino acids Lysine Gene control Lysine 175 γ-proteobacteria, Thermotogales, Firmicutes
Glycine (I+II) Gene control Glycine 110 Bacteria
Nucleobases Guanine Gene control Guanine, hypoxanthine 70 Gram+ bacteria
Adenine Gene control Adenine 70 Bacteria
preQ1 Gene control preQ1 35 Bacteria
Magnesium mgtA Gene control Mg2+ 70 Gram– bacteria

AdoCbl, adenosylcobalamin; CoTC, co-transcriptional cleavage; FMN, flavin mononucleotide; GlcN6P, glucosamine-6-phosphate; Gram−, Gram-negative; Gram+, Gram-positive; HDV, hepatitus δ virus; Hfq, host factor Q, interacting with some sRNAs; preQ1, pre-quenosine-1; SAM, S-adenosylmethionine; sRNA, small RNA; TPP, thiamine pyrophosphate; VS,Varkud satellite. ? indicates an unconfirmed function.