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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Dec 1.
Published in final edited form as: Comput Med Imaging Graph. 2015 Sep 25;46(0 3):277–290. doi: 10.1016/j.compmedimag.2015.09.002

Algorithm 1.

Multi-resolution regression-guided landmark detection

Input: An unseen MR brain image I
 A set of learned regression forests {Fi} at different resolutions
Notations: ρp denotes a local patch centered at image point p
F(ρp) returns a predicted 3D displacement by forest F based on the local patch ρp
Output: Detected landmark location l
Init: l = the image center of I
for i from the coarsest scale index to the finest scale index do
Uniformly and sparsely sample a set of testing points PTest = {pj} within the bounding box indexed by lbi/2 and l + bi/2, as shown in Fig. 5. (Here, bi is the side-length vector of the bounding box Bi at resolution i, which gradually decreases as the resolution goes from coarse to fine.)
for each point pj in PTest do
 count = 0, p = pj; L = +Inf
while count ≤ MAX_JUMP do
  if ||Fi(ρp)|| ≤ TLen then break; endif
  if L − ||Fi(ρp)|| ≤ ε then break; endif
  if p + Fi(ρp) outside of image domain then break; endif
  L = ||Fi(ρp)||; p = p + Fi(ρp); count = count + 1
end while
pj = p
end for
l = argminpPTest||Fi(ρp)||
end for
Output: l
In the above, TLen is the threshold for controlling the minimum length for landmark jumping; ε enforces the length of point jumping to be decreasing with some toleration, and ε is usually set to a negative value close to 0.