Figure 1.
Validation of in utero tractography with structure tensor analysis of histological sections. (A–D) Fetal MRI of subject 2 at GW21. (A) Axial and (B) coronal T2-weighted images. In utero DTI (C) based tractography (D) visualizes the internal capsule (green) in both hemispheres. (E–H) Coronal histological sections of the right hemisphere at the level of the posterior limb of the internal capsule in the same subject at GW22. (E) H&E staining for anatomical reference. (F) Inverted grayscale immunohistochemistry for NCAM to identify axonal tracts. (G) Fiber orientation, anisotropy and staining intensity derived from ST analysis are displayed in a color-coded hue-saturation-brightness (HSB) image, respectively. (H) Histology-based tractography uses this information to reconstruct streamlines for better macroscopic comparison with the results of in utero tractography, with hue representing fiber orientation. Please note the different color-coding schemes for HSB images and histology-based tractography.