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. 2015 Nov 30;30(12):1847–1855. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2015.30.12.1847

Table 1. Demographic and cerebral angiographic findings of patients.

No. Age (yr) Sex Eye Cosmetic Injection Diagnosis Skin Necrosis MRI Brain Angiographic findings Time to Visit/IAT Thrombolysis Visual acuity baseline/final Follow-up Period
Substance Site Dose Ophthalmic Angiogram Obstruction level ECA Angiogram Distal angiographic runoff
1 24 F R HA Glabella, nose 0.2 mL OAO Yes Normal 2nd branch
(Ciliary branch)
Diminished 1 hr/3.5 hr Hyaluronidase 1,000 units/recanalization fail NLP/NLP 7 mo
2 34 F R HA Glabella, nose 0.7 mL OAO Yes Normal Distal to 2nd branch Diminished 4 hr/5 hr Hyaluronidase 1,500 units + UK 20,000 units/recanalization fail NLP/NLP 3 mo
3 39 F L HA Glabella, nose Unknown OAO Yes Normal Distal to 2nd branch Diminished 1 hr/3 hr Hyaluronidase 9,000 units/partial recanalization HM/NLP 7 mo
4* 41 F R HA Glabella, nose 0.4 mL OAO No Normal 2nd branch Preserved 2 hr/4.5 hr Hyaluronidase 1,600 units/recanalization fail NLP/NLP 7 day
5 40 F L Fat Nose Unknown OAO No Normal OphA before branching Preserved 1 hr/2.5 hr UK 500,000 units + tirofiban 500 µg /partial recanalization NLP/NLP 17 mo
6 66 F L Fat Glabella, nose Unknown OAO No Normal OphA before branching Preserved 2 hr/3 hr UK 40,000 units/recanalization fail NLP/NLP 5 day
7 40 F R Fat Glabella Unknown CRAO No MCA infarct OphA before branching Preserved 4 hr/5 hr UK 40,000 units/recanalization fail NLP/NLP 5 mo

*This patient was treated with subcutaneous hyaluronidase injection immediately after the onset of visual symptom by the physician who performed cosmetic filler injection. CRAO, central retinal artery occlusion; ECA, external carotid artery; F, female; IAT, intra-arterial thrombolysis; L, left; HA, hyaluronic acid; HM, hand motion; MCA, middle cerebral artery; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NLP, no light perception; OAO, ophthalmic artery occlusion; OphA, Ophthalmic artery; R, right; UK, urokinase.