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. 2015 Nov 30;30(12):1911–1914. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2015.30.12.1911

Table 2. Clinical features of the organ recipients.

No. Age (yr) Gender Donor Donated organ Reason for organ donation Acute rejection or primary graft failure Survival Lab findings at discharge Follow-up period, months Lab findings at last follow-up
1 44 F Case 1 Left kidney ESRD None Alive Cr 0.99 19.0 Cr 1.1
eGFR 60.9 eGFR 51.8
2 49 M Case 1 Liver Liver cirrhosis None Alive TB 2.7, AST/ALT 357/1,064 17.4 TB 0.6, AST/ALT 24/29
3 59 M Case 1 Both lungs RA-ILD None Dead due to ventilator-associated pneumonia - 0.5 -
4 42 F Case 1 Right kidney ESRD None Alive Cr 0.9 18.7 Cr 1.3
eGFR 69 eGFR 46.0
5 61 M Case 2 Liver Liver cirrhosis None Alive TB 0.7, AST/ALT 9/12 11.6 TB 1.1 AST/ALT 22/22
6 69 M Case 2 Left kidney ESRD None Alive Cr 1.71 11.7 Cr 1.0
eGFR 43.0 eGFR 54.7
7 41 M Case 2 Right kidney ESRD None Alive Cr 2.65 10.7 Cr 1.3
eGFR 27 eGFR 58.0
8 43 F Case 3 Right kidney ESRD None Alive Cr 1.3 6.9 Cr 1.3
eGFR 44.9 eGFR 45.1
9 22 M Case 3 Left kidney ESRD None Alive Cr 1.61 6.7 Cr 1.5
eGFR 54.4 eGFR 59.9
10 58 M Case 3 Liver Primary malfunction after previous liver transplantation None Dead due to multi-organ failure - 0.1 -

end stage renal disease; RA-ILD, rheumatoid arthritis associated interstitial lung disease; Cr, creatinine (mg/dL); eGRF, estimated glomerular filtration rate using the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study equation; TB, total bilirubin (mg/dL); AST, aspartate transaminase (IU/L); ALT, alanine transaminase (IU/L).