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. 2015 Dec 28;21(48):13507–13517. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i48.13507

Table 1.

Structure of the clinical pathway for laparoscopic gastrectomy

Activities date 1 d before OP (Admission) Pre-OP (the day of OP) Operation(the day of OP) Post-OP(the day of OP) POD 1 POD 2 POD 3 POD 4 POD 5 and 6 (D/C)
Nursing care Admission to room: (1-3 pm)Fluid balanceSurveillance V/SWeight measurement Room nurse:Fluid balance,Check V/S Surgical nurse:OP preparation Room nurse:Fluid balanceCheck V/S,drainage Room nurse:Fluid balanceCheck V/S,drainage Room nurse:Fluid balanceCheck V/S,drainage Room nurse: Fluid balance, Check V/S, Drainage Room nurse:Check V/S Room nurse:Check V/S
Check (Surgeon/anesthesiologist): Preoperative study Written consentProtocol for OP preparation Remove peripheral line after start of 2nd SD
Activity Usual Bed rest Bed rest Bed rest Ambulation Ambulation Ambulation Ambulation Ambulation
Treatment procedure Skin preparation No Levin tube Breathing exercises use of IS Bowel preparation: Magcorol solution, 250 mL: Dulcolax supplement, 2 sup Surgical nurse:Foley catheterInsertion Breathingexercises: use of IS Breathing exercises: use of IS Breathing exercises: use of IS Breathing exercises: use of ISremove JP Surgeon:Wound S/OEvaluation on D/C criteria
Surgeons: OP Anesthesiologist:PCA (Fentanyl 3000 mg)
Medication Prophylaxis: TE Prophylaxis: ATB Prophylaxis: ATBMucolytic agent Prophylaxis: TE
Anesthesiologist: PCA PCA PCA
Medication on demand Pain killer: (IV) Demerol NSAIDs Antiemetics Pain killer: (IV)Demerol NSAIDs Antiemetics Pain killer: (IV)Demerol NSAIDs Antiemetics Pain killer: (IV)Demerol NSAIDs Antiemetics Pain killer: (Oral) NSAIDs Pain killer: (Oral) NSAIDs
Laboratory test Laboratorytest Laboratory test Laboratorytest Laboratorytest
Diet Usual diet at breakfastNPO after breakfast NPO NPO NPO SOW: post 24 h OP LD at breakfastSD after G/O SD SD
Education and information Information on CPPermission Information on leaving OP room Education: diet for patient and/or relative Education: diet for patient and/or relative Information on D/C

OP: Operation; V/S: Vital signs; IS: Incentive spirometry; NPO: Nil per os; CP: Clinical pathway; TE: Thromboembolic; ATB: Antibiotic; PCA: Patients controlled analgesia; IV: Intravenous; NSAIDs: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; POD: Postoperative day; SOW: Sips of water; JP: Jackson-Pratt; LD: Liquid diet; SD: Soft diet; D/C: Discharge; S/O: Stitch out; G/O: Gas out.