Table 3.
Challenging Behaviors and Study Outcomes
Independent Variables | M (SD), % or Median | n |
Factor 1: Interpersonal negativity | 0.18 (.25) | 63 |
Factor 2: Avoidant/disengaged | 0.50 (.29) | 63 |
Factor 3: Behavioral dysregulation | 0.08 (.20) | 63 |
Frequency of out of session coaching | 12.00 | 59a |
Therapist’s out of session limits observed | 79.70% | 59b |
Dependent Variables
| ||
Treatment Dropout | 57.10% | 63 |
Frequency of Self-Directed Violence | 10.98 (33.29) | 54c |
Severity of Most Severe Self-Directed Violence | 2.75 (1.48)d | 58e |
Deficits in Emotion Regulation (DERS) Change Score from Baseline to Follow-up | 34.93 (36.44) | 44f |
Client Satisfaction (CSQ) Score | 27.08 (5.41) | 50g |
Therapist Satisfaction | 2.58 (1.12) | 63 |
Global Severity Index Change | 0.8 (1.1) | 46h |
4 clients’ out of session coaching calls are missing because the therapist could not remember.
4 clients’ out of session limits are missing because the therapist could not remember.
2 clients’ data were not possible to determine based on their report, 7 clients refused to complete at least one interview during the follow-up period.
Severity rated by interview between 1 “very low” severity and 6 “severe”; M (SD) calculated on clients (N=24) that made a self-directed violence.
1 client’s data was not possible to determine based on their report, 4 clients refused to complete at least one interview during the follow-up period.
19 clients did not complete the DERS at the follow-up point (generally due to completing abbreviated interview), so a DERS change score was not able to be calculated.
11 clients did not complete the CSQ during the follow-up period, 2 clients’ data were incomplete and could not be scored.
17 clients did not complete the BSI at the follow-up point (generally due to completing abbreviated interview), so a GSI change score was not able to be calculated.