Smc5/6 Restriction to G2/M Allows Normal Proliferation and Smc5/6 Chromatin Localization in Metaphase Cells
(A and B) Schematic representation of the octameric Smc5/6 complex (A) and of the Clb2-derived G2-tag (B).
(C) G2-SMC5 G2-SMC6 cells, derived from crosses between G2-SMC5 and G2-SMC6, are viable.
(D) G2-SMC5 and G2-SMC6 expression is coincident with the one of CLB2 and restricted to G2/M. Pgk1 serves as loading control.
(E) ChIP-on-chip profile of Smc5-PK, Smc6-FLAG, and G2-Smc5-PK, G2-Smc6-FLAG from G2/M-synchronized WT and G2-SMC5 G2-SMC6 cells, respectively. Chromosome 3 is shown as example. The indicated p values relate to the genome-wide overlap between the considered ChIP-on-chip protein clusters.
See also Figure S1.