Table 2.
Baseline Global Cognition Score (Age Adjusted Z Score)a and Serum BDNF Levels (ng/mL) in Healthy Comparison Subjects and in Schizophrenia Subjects, Mean (SD)
HC Subjects (n = 15) | Total SZ Sample (n = 56) | HC vs. SZ T test (p) | AT Subgroup (n = 30) | Computer Games Control Subgroup (n = 26) | At vs. CG y test (p value) | |
Global Cognition | .07 (.99) | −1.05 (.72) | 4.69 (<.001) | −1.14 (.71) | −.94 (.73) | 1.04 (.30) |
Serum BDNF Level | 31.30 (8.95) | 25.27 (10.34) | 2.11 (.04) | 25.03 (11.21) | 25.54 (9.44) | .18 (.86) |
AT, auditory training; CG, computer games; BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor; HC, healthy comparison; SZ, schizophrenia.
Global cognition score = mean across all measures: speed of processing (Trails A, Category Fluency, Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia Symbol Coding), Working Memory (University of Maryland Letter Number, Wechsler Memory Scale-III Spatial Span), Verbal Learning and Memory (Hopkins Verbal Learning Test—Revised), Visual Learning and Memory (Brief Visuospatial Memory Test—Revised), Problem Solving (BACS Tower of London).