SNX15 does not affect β- and γ-secretase activity. a N2a cells were transfected with mouse SNX15 shRNA (shSNX15-1 and −2) or Control shRNA (Ctrl shRNA) for 72 h. Cell lysates were assayed for BACE1 activity using a commercial kit or analyzed for SNX15 and GAPDH by western blot, n=3, n.s.: not significant. b, c HEK 293T cells were pre-transfected with APP β-CTF. After splitting equally, cells were transfected with SNX15 or control vectors for 36 h, and human SNX15 siRNA (siSNX15-1 and −2) or Control siRNA (Ctrl siRNA) for 72 h. b Secreted Aβ40 and Aβ42 in conditioned media were quantified by ELISA, n=3, n.s.: not significant. c Cell lysates were analyzed for β-CTF, SNX15 and β-actin by western blot. d HEK 293T cells were pre-transfected with Notch-NδE. After splitting equally, cells were transfected with different amounts of SNX15 or control vectors for 36 h. Cell lysates were analyzed by western blot for Notch-NδE, NICD, SNX15 and GAPDH. NICD levels were quantified by densitometry, normalized to those of Notch-NδE, and compared to those of controls (set as one arbitrary units), n=3, n.s.: not significant.