TableĀ 1.
Author (ref) | n | Type of stent | Assessment of ISA by | Follow-up (months) | Association of ISA and cardiovascular events |
Cook et al10 | 188 | SES/PES | IVUS | 8 | YES (ISA highly prevalent in patients with very late stent thrombosis |
Cook et al11 | 194 | SES/PES | IVUS | 8 | YES (presence of ISA after DES associated with higher risk AMI and very late stent thrombosis |
Witzenbichler et al4 | 8583 | DES | IVUS | 12 | YES (less ST, MI and MACE) |
Tanabe et al14 | 469 | PES/BMS | IVUS | 6 | NO |
Steinberg et al15 | 1580 | PES/BMS | IVUS | 9 | NO |
Hong et al16 | 557 | SES/PES | IVUS | 6 | NO |
Guagliumi et al17 | 21 | ZES | OCT | 6 | NO |
Kubo et al18 | 45 | SES | OCT | 9 | NO |
Guagliumi et al19 | 77 | SES/PES/ZES/BMS | OCT | 6 | NO |
Guagliumi et al17 | 42 | EES | OCT | 6 | NO |
BMS, bare-metal stent; DES, drug-eluting stent; EES, everolimus-eluting stent; ISA, incomplete stent apposition; IVUS, intravascular ultrasound; MI, myocardial infarction; OCT, optical coherence tomography; PES, pacitaxel-eluting stent; SES, sirolimus-eluting stent; ST, stent thrombosis; ZES, zotarolimus-eluting stent.