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. 2015 Aug 1;11(4):456–465. doi: 10.1089/chi.2014.0125

Table 1.

Participant Characteristics (N=75)

Personal characteristics
Age, mean years (range) 48 (30, 70)
Female, % 55
Race/ethnicity, %  
 White 69
 American Indian or Alaska Native 16
 Hispanic/Latino 8
 Other 7
Professional characteristics
Type of provider (N=75), %  
 Physician 67
 Nurse practitioner 29
 Physician assistant 4
Years in clinical practice, mean years (range) 14 (<1, 40)
Years in current position, mean years (range) 7 (<1, 28)
Clinical characteristics
Patients seen per week, mean number (range) 74 (20, 150)
Continuing education with content on working with ethnically diverse populations in past 12 months, % 61
Continuing education with content on child and adolescent obesity in past 12 months, % 43
Child and adolescent patients, %  
 Less than 20 38
 20–40 35
 40–50 10
 >50 17
Child/adolescent patients overweight or obese, %  
 0–29 20
 30–59 55
 60–100 25
Self-rated clinical practice behavior
Often or very often give patients a choice in decision when there is a variety of treatment options, % 88
Often or very often make an effort to give patients control over their treatment, % 91
Often or very often ask patients to take responsibility for their treatment,a % 91
Agree that I am able to communicate effectively with my patients, % 93
Agree that it is easy for me to gain patients' trust, % 92
Agree that I am able to establish patients as partners in their treatment 93
Self-rated clinical practice in weight management
Answered moderately, quite, or extremely competent in treating overweight children 2–12 years old, % 53
Answered moderately, quite, or extremely competent in treating overweight adolescents 12–18 years old, % 68
Answered sometimes, frequently, or all the time discuss weight with child/adolescent patients and parents during well visit,b % 89
Answered sometimes, frequently, or all the time have success in treating pediatric patients for obesity,a % 31

n=1 missing value.


n=2 missing values.