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. 2016 Jan 1;32(1):12–25. doi: 10.1089/aid.2015.0030

Table 5.

Association of Subject Characteristics at Study Entry with Adverse Outcomes (Hospitalization or Death): Results of Bivariate and Multivariable Linear Regression

Subject characteristics (n = 324) Bivariate OR for poor outcome (hospitalization or death), 95% CI p Multivariable OR for poor outcome (hospitalization or death), 95% CI p
 Study site
  Coalane 0.81 (0.27, 2.49) 0.719 0.15 (0.02, 0.99) 0.049
  Inhassunge 2.00 (0.84, 4.76) 0.117 1.78 (0.52, 6.15) 0.361
  Namacurra Reference   Reference  
 Gender, pregnancy status
  Male 1.32 (0.56, 3.10) 0.520  
  Female, not pregnant Reference    
  Pregnant 0.16 (0.02, 1.25) 0.081  
 Age (years) 1.00 (0.96, 1.04) 0.990    
 Illiterate 1.05 (0.48, 2.31) 0.893    
 Did not accept home visits 0.53 (0.12, 2.41) 0.412    
HIV/AIDS status
 Most recent CD4 count (cells/μl), categories with adjustment for 3 categories of ART at enrollment
  <350, no ART at enrollment 8.77 (1.70, 45.36) 0.010 8.94 (1.18, 67.49) 0.034
  <350, start ART at enrollment 5.38 (0.38, 75.38) 0.212 3.29 (0.06, 181.82) 0.561
  <350, already on ART at enrollment 6.45 (1.09, 38.13) 0.040 13.66 (1.31, 141.46) 0.028
  > = 350 Reference   Reference  
  No CD4 available 6.92 (1.29, 37.17) 0.024 12.39 (1.37, 111.82) 0.025
 On co-trimoxazole prophylaxis at enrollment 0.48 (0.21, 1.08) 0.076 0.13 (0.03, 0.57) 0.007
 On zidovudine (ART or prevention of mother-to-child transmission) at enrollment 0.55 (0.23, 1.32) 0.181    
Clinical characteristics at visit 1
 Temperature (axillary, °C) (2 missing) 2.91 (1.84, 4.62) <0.001 2.21 (1.26, 3.87) 0.005
 Body mass index (kg/m2) (7 missing) 0.75 (0.64, 0.88) <0.001 0.76 (0.61, 0.95) 0.014
 Hemoglobin (g/dl) at baseline 0.73 (0.53, 0.996) 0.047  
Key diagnoses and comorbidities at first or any study visit
 Lowest Hb recorded during study (Hb nadir) 0.62 (0.47, 0.83) 0.001 0.43 (0.25, 0.73) 0.002
 Smear-positive pulmonary TB, first or any visita Undefined    
 Smear-negative pulmonary TB, visit 1 6.81 (2.48, 18.69) <0.001  
 TB suspect at visit 1 6.81 (2.48, 18.69) <0.001  
 Active TB, not diagnosed until after enrollment visit (enrollment visit only) 4.03 (1.22, 13.29) 0.022
 Bacteremia (detected on blood culture drawn at this visit), visit 1 8.25 (2.07, 32.81) 0.003 5.89 (0.85, 40.58) 0.072
 Malaria (rapid test positive), visit 1 0.51 (0.15, 1.81) 0.300    
 Oral candida, any visit 4.03 (1.22, 13.29) 0.022  
 Esophageal candida (any visit)b Undefined.    
 Any bleeding, any study visit 5.96 (0.81, 44.09) 0.080 110.21 (4.31, 2819.10) 0.002
 Suspected Stage III Anemia, visit 1 or any visita Undefined.      
 Suspected ADR CTX, any visit 0.93 (0.20, 4.40) 0.932    
 Suspected ADR ZDV, any visit Hb 2.74 (0.78, 9.53) 0.114    
Management at any study visit
 Start ART, visit 1 0.69 (0.08, 5.76) 0.735    
 Start ZDV (ART or PMTCT), any visit 0.31 (0.04, 2.40) 0.262    
 Stop ZDV, any study visit 2.74 (0.78, 9.53) 0.114    
 Start CTX, any study visit 0.89 (0.34, 2.34) 0.816    
 Stop CTX, any study visit 0.93 (0.20, 4.40) 0.932    
 Start antimalarial, visit 1 0.71 (0.23, 2.19) 0.555    
 Start TB treatment, any study visit 1.27 (0.26, 6.19) 0.768    
 Start antibiotics, any study visit 1.97 (0.90, 4.31) 0.089  
 Start antifungals, any study visit 1.84 (0.71, 4.75) 0.209    
 Start iron supplements, first or any study visitc Undefined.      
 Start anthelminthics, any study visit 0.45 (0.13, 1.53) 0.202    
 No new interventions other than iron, anthelmintics, and/or antimalarial, all visits 0.32 (0.17, 0.88) 0.027  

Undefined: no adverse outcomes in this category.


Undefined: all subjects in this category had adverse outcomes.


Undefined: all subjects with known outcomes and non-missing data were started on iron at study visit 1.

ADR, adverse drug reaction; ART, combination antiretroviral therapy; CD4, CD4+ T-lymphocyte count, cells/μL; CI, confidence interval; CTX, co-trimoxazole prophylaxis; Hb, hemoglobin, g/dL; LTFU, lost to follow-up; OR, odds ratio; PMTCT, prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV; TB, tuberculosis; ZDV, zidovudine.