Metabolomics profiling of plasma distinguishes EAE from the control group. A, metabolic profiling reveals clear separation between plasma from EAE (disease; D) and vehicle control mice (sham; S) by partial least squares discrimination analysis. B, z-score plot of EAE metabolite intensities (red, truncated at z-score −15 and +15) against control group metabolites (blue, taken as mean). Each dot represents one metabolite observation for one sample. C, heat map of significantly altered metabolites arranged according to direction of change and the super-metabolic pathway they appear. Yellow represents high, and blue represents the low intensity of the metabolite relative to its mean intensity (black). Each of the five replicates of plasma from vehicle control (S) and EAE (D) are arranged by hierarchical clustering. D, chart representing the number of altered metabolites within each superpathway of metabolism, specifically lipids, amino acids, peptides, xenobiotics, carbohydrates, nucleotides, and energy-related.