DNA-mediated protein-protein interaction. a, representation of the protein-protein interface. CyHV-3 ORF112-Zα domain is shown as a blue and yellow cartoon with transparent surface. A 10-bp DNA was reconstructed from the asymmetric unit and is shown as a stick model. b, schematic representation of interactions between ORF112-Zα monomers. Hydrogen bonding involves the protein backbone. c, the structure of the free ORF112-Zα (green) (PDB code 4HOB) superimposed to the DNA bound form (red) with 0.33 Å RMSD. The C-terminal part of a second monomer (cyan) that is exchanged and completes the free protein structure is also shown. For clarity, only two DNA bases and their phosphate linkage from the complex structure are shown along with the sulfate ion S302 (orange) that occupies the same position as the phosphate in the free protein. In the free protein, the sulfate ion interacts with Tyr-257, Asn-253, and Arg-249, as well as with Lys-267 and the backbone of Gln-270 of the second monomer that are being exchanged. The C-terminal part of the domain that is involved in domain swapping is indicated (DS). d, putative complex formed by Yaba-like disease virus E3L-Zα monomers (modeled based on ORF112-Zα) with long Z-DNA. No clashes between backbone atoms of E3L-Zα monomers are observed.