Fig. 1.
The associations between plasma metabolites and alcohol intake groups. The associations between plasma metabolites and alcohol intake groups (1: non-drinkers, 2: low 3: middle 4: high alcohol intake groups) in the original (a, c) and the replication population (b, d). Linear regression analysis between each metabolite and alcohol intake group was performed (p values are shown); then difference between non-drinkers and the high alcohol intake group for normal variables (a, b) and fold change for log-transformed variables (c, d) were calculated using beta of the linear regression analysis. The metabolites with less than 0.05 FDR p values in the original population were shown in this figure (a, c). Replication analyses were performed for only these metabolites (b, d). CI Confidence interval, CSSG Cysteine-glutathione disulfide, FDR False discovery rate, HDL High-density lipoprotein, LDL Low-density lipoprotein. *Adjusted for age, BMI, smoking numbers per year, systolic blood pressure, HDL-cholesterol, hemoglobin A1c, daily dietary energy intake, and daily physical activity. #Adjusted for age, BMI, smoking numbers per year, systolic blood pressure, hemoglobin A1c, daily dietary energy intake, and daily physical activity