Sample bedside flow sheet. To be included in this “no fluids” analysis, variables were collected at a time point at least 6 h after a fluid bolus or diuretic dose; these same variables were then collected 1 to 4 h later. At the top, “pre” (time 1000) represents hemodynamic variables prior to a fluid bolus, and “post” (1100) refers to hemodynamic variables 1 h after the fluid bolus was started. No fluid bolus or diuretic was given for > 6 h from 1100 to 1900; therefore, variables measured at 1900 are “pre” and at 2300 are “post” for the “no fluids” analysis, as described in the Materials and Methods section. CI = cardiac index; CVP = central venous pressure; HR = heart rate; MAP = mean arterial pressure; PAOP = pulmonary artery occlusion pressure; UOP = urine output.