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. 2015 May 25;148(4):919–926. doi: 10.1378/chest.15-0445

TABLE 3 ] .

Comparison of Baseline Characteristics Between Patients Included in this Analysis vs the Remainder of the FACTT Cohort (ie, Those Not Included in This Analysis)

Characteristic Included Patients Remainder of the FACTT Cohort P Value
No. of patients 127 873 N/A
Age, y 50.2 ± 16.6 49.8 ± 16.1 .88
Sex, % male 56 53 .67
APACHE III 101.4 ± 28.5 93.5 ± 31.2 .01
Pao2/Fio2 ratio 130 ± 65 126 ± 59 .60

Data presented as mean ± SD unless otherwise noted. FACTT = Fluid and Catheter Treatment Trial; N/A = not applicable. See Table 1 legend for expansion of other abbreviation.