A. Zymogel analysis of MMP2/MMP9 activities in CM harvested after 48h of culture. LS174T wt or BSG−/− (referred to as LS wt and LS−/−) cells were grown in 2% FBS media alone (a, b) or in co-culture with either NHF (c, d) or with MEF (wt or BSG−/− cells refers to as MEF and MEF−/−) (e, f g, h). CM media of NHF, MEF wt and BSG−/− cells cultured alone was also assessed (i, j, k) B. and C. Quantification of MMP2/MMP9 activities in CM of LS174T wt vs BSG−/− cells cultured alone, or co-cultured with NHF. D. and E. Quantification of MMP2/MMP9 activities in CM of LS174T wt vs BSG−/− cells cultured alone, or co-cultured with MEF wt. F. and G. Quantification of MMP2/MMP9 activities in CM of LS174T wt vs BSG−/− cells cultured alone, or co-cultured with MEF BSG−/−. Results were normalized relative to protein quantity.