Figure 2. PKM2 was positively regulated by NF-κB/RelA at the transcriptional level.
A. Schematic of putative NF-κB/RelA-binding motifs in the PKM promoter sequence. B. Co-IP demonstrates that NF-κB/RelA physically interacts with HIF1α in the nucleus. C. PKM promoter-containing pGL3-basic plasmid, RelA overexpression plasmid, and sh-HIF1α were co-transfected into cells. Luciferase assays confirmed the enhancement of PKM promoter activity after RelA overexpression in the presence of HIF1α. D. Western blots identified hnRNPA1, hnRNPA2, hnRNPAΙ, PKM1, and PKM2 expression changes following transfection with RelA overexpression plasmid. β-actin is shown as a loading control. E. ECAR was measured in glioma cell lines after transfection with RelA overexpression plasmid alone or in combination with sh-PKM2. **P < 0.01. Results are representative of at least three independent experiments.