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. 2015 Aug 7;6(29):27725–27735. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.4834

Table 1. Clinicopathologic parameters of eight CRC patients.

Case Age/sex MSI status Location Diameter of primary cancer (cm) Differentiation T N M TNM Associated adenomas Tumor cell content (%)
MSS1 M/69 MSS Sigmoid 6.0 Poor 3 2 1 IVA Tubular, high grade >70
MSS2 M/61 MSS Sigmoid 11 cm Well 4 0 0 IIB Tubulovillous, high grade >70
MSS3 F/69 MSS Transverse 8 cm Well 2 0 0 I Tubular, high grades >70
MSS4 F/80 MSS Ascending 4.5 cm Moderate 3 0 0 IIA Villous, high grade >70
MSU1 M/68 MSI-H Ascending 10 cm Mucinous 3 0 0 IIA Tubulovillous, high grade >70
MSU2 M/66 MSI-H Cecal 7.0 cm Mucinous 3 0 0 IIA Villous, high grade >70
MSU3 F/51 MSI-H Transverse 5.0 cm Moderate 3 0 0 IIA Tubulovillous, high grade >70
MSU4 F/76 MSI-H Ascending 9.5 cm Moderate 3 2 0 IIB Tubulovillous, high grade >70

The eight cases are distinguished into four MSS (microsatellite stable) cases (MSS1-4) and four MSU (microsatellite unstable) cases (MSU1-4) with MSI-H (microsatellite instability-high) according to the MSI calls.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure