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. 2015 May 8;6(27):23181–23203. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.4036

Table 1. Key studies in chronological order that have demonstrated that circadian rhythm disruption elicit memory impairments in rodents.

Study Animal Sex/Strain/Species Manipulation Used to Induce Circadian Rhythm Disruption Behavioural Task Used to Detect Memory Impairment
38 Male albino rats Photoperiod shifting Passive avoidance task
7 Male golden hamsters Natural aging Appetitive contextual conditioning
45 Male Long-Evans rats Acute photoperiod shifting Spatial water task
46 Male Long-Evans rats Acute and chronic photoperiod shifting Spatial water task
56 Male and female Siberian hamsters Light pulse/phase delay Novel object recognition task
49 C57BL6/J background mice Cry1Cry2 mutation Time-place learning task
50 Male C57BL/6 background mice Per2 mutation Trace fear-conditioning
48 Male C57BL/6 mice Photoperiod shifting Contextual fear conditioning
11 Male C3H/J background mice Per1 mutation Spatial radial arm maze
51 Male C57BL/6J background mice Bmal1 mutation, Clk mutation Open field context exploration
12 Male C57BL/6 mice SCN lesions Contextual fear conditioning and spatial water task
5 Male and Female Long-Evans rats Chronic photoperiod shifting Spatial water Task and stimulus response visual discrimination task
57 Female Long-Evans rats Chronic photoperiod shifting Appetitive context discrimination
52 Male C57BL/6 background mice Bmal1 mutation Contextual fear conditioning and spatial water task
32 Male C3H/HeN background mice Per1 mutation Spatial working memory task
6 Male and Female Long-Evans rats Acute photoperiod shifting Spatial water Task