Figure 4. PTX3 contributes to the stemness, metastasis and invasion of cancer cells.
A. The loss of PTX3 in THP-1/M2 (M2MΦ) or CAF/F28 cells attenuated sphere formation by MB231 cells. MB231 cells were grown in conditioned medium from THP-1/M2 or CAF/F28 cells infected with lentiviruses bearing shLacZ (shC) or shPTX3 (shP) and treated with or without CDDP or 5-FU. B. MB231 cells (103 or 104) collected from the spheres in Figure 4A were subcutaneously inoculated into NOD-SCID mice. The incidence of MB231-xenografted tumors was calculated after 30 days. C. The migration and invasion of mcCDRMB231 (MBCR) and mcFURMB231 (MBFR) cells were assessed using a Boyden chamber assay in which the cells were cultured in conditioned medium from THP-1/M2 (M2MΦ) or CAF/F28 cells infected with shC or shP lentiviruses with or without CDDP or 5-FU treatment. D. mcCDRMB231 (MBR) cells were implanted into immunodeficient NOD-SCID mice. Stable THP-1/M2 cells bearing shC (shC-M2MΦ) or shP (shP-M2MΦ) vectors or CAF/F28 cells bearing shC (shC-CAF) or shP (shP-CAF) vectors were subcutaneously co-inoculated with mcCDRMB231 cells into NOD-SCID mice and the mice were treated with or without CDDP (5 mg/kg). Tumor size was measured as described above (n = 6 per group). The mice with MBR-xenografted tumors in Figure 4D were sacrificed in the 6th or 12th week. The metastasis of mcCDRMB231-xenografted tumors to lung tissue nodules was calculated and shown in E.. Tumor weight was measured as described above and the results are shown in F..