vGlut-QF (green) is expressed in PPK25 cells (magenta), similar to
vGlut-LexA in
Figure 1D. Flies were
vGlut-QF2, QUAS-Gal80, ppk25-Gal4, UAS-CD8::tdTomato. (
B) (left), Ablating F cells (
ppk25-Gal4) using diphtheria toxin leaves M cells intact, with one GFP-positive cell/bristle rather than two. This strategy was used to label M cells in
Figure 1G. (middle), Suppressing Gal4-dependent expression in F cells (
ppk23-Gal4, UAS-CD8::tdTomato, vGlut-LexA, lexAop-Gal80) leaves expression intact in M cells. This strategy was used to activate M cells in
Figure 1H. (right), Suppressing LexA-dependent expression in F cells (
ppk23-LexA, lexAop-CD2::GFP, vGlut-QF2, QUAS-Gal80) leaves expression intact in M cells. This strategy was used to activate M cells in
Figures 2B, 4B, and 5E. Different approaches were used to accommodate chromosome locations of transgenes. Scale bars, 10 μm.