Figure 6. mAL neurons functionally and behaviorally inhibit P1 neurons.
(A) Overlap between mAL (green) and P1 (magenta) in the superior lateral protocerebrum (collapsed 97-μm stack). Scale bar is 25 μm. (B) Knockdown of GABAA receptor Rdl in P1 neurons induces male-male chaining; n = 10/condition. (C) Chrimson-mediated activation of P1 neurons causes wing extension (wing ext.) in solitary males, which is suppressed by co-activation of neurons expressing R43D01-Gal4. (D). Lesioning mAL axons increases GCaMP response in P1 upon P2X2-mediated stimulation of F+M cells. (E) Chrimson-mediated activation of mAL neurons causes P1 hyperpolarization, as detected by increased ArcLight fluorescence. Arrow indicates laser. F. Maximum ΔF/Fin P1; n = 10–11/condition. Data are Mean ± SEM. Mann-Whitney test (B, F), Fisher’s exact test (C), or paired t-test (D). *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.