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. 2015 Dec 30;5:55. doi: 10.1186/s13613-015-0099-z

Table 4.

Factors associated with mortality at D28

Dead D28
N = 276
Alive D28
N = 860
Non adjusted analysis Adjusted analysis
Crude OR p Adjusted OR P
 With low refusal rate (HBA) 121 (43.8) 359 (41.7) 1 0.54 1
 With high refusal rate (LBA) 155 (56.2) 501 (58.3) 1.09 (0.83–1.43) 1.34 (0.92–1.95) 0.12
Age (mean ± SD) 67 ± 14 55 ± 19 1.04 (1.03–1.05) <0.001
 Male (%) 179 (65) 489 (57) 1 1
 Female (%) 97 (35) 371 (43) 0.71 (0.54–0.95) 0.02 0.66 (0.45–0.98) 0.04
Characteristics on proposal, n (%)
 Shock 134 (48.6) 146 (17.0) 4.73 (3.51–6.37) <0.001 1.81 (1.21–2.72) 0.004
 Catecholamine infusion 82 (29.7) 66 (7.7) 5.21 (3.63–7.48) <0.001
 Glasgow score 9.8 ± 5.0 11.9 ± 4.1 0.90 (0.87–0.93) <0.001
 Platelets count <50,000/dl 11 (4.0) 13 (1.5) 2.94 (1.30–6.64) 0.007
 Prothrombine time <30 % 24 (8.7) 14 (1.6) 6.17 (3.14–12.11) <0.001 2.65 (1.09–6.44) 0.03
 Creatinine level >250 µmol/l 46 (16.7) 80 (9.3) 2.19 (1.48–3.25) <0.001
 Jaundice 14 (5.1) 22 (2.6) 2.09 (1.05–4.15) 0.03
 Mechanical ventilation (all setting) 148 (53.6) 328 (38.1) 1.93 (1.46–2.54) <0.001
 NIV 15 (5.4) 54 (6.3) 0.87 (0.48–1.58) 0.65
 Oxygen administration >10L/min 67 (24.3) 147 (17.1) 1.59 (1.14–2.21) 0.006
Preexisting diseases
 COPD 15 (5.4) 52 (6.0) 0.93 (0.51–1.68) 0.81
 Cardiac insufficiency 22 (8.0) 34 (3.9) 2.20 (1.26–3.84) 0.005
 Evolutive malignancy 44 (15.9) 105 (12.2) 1.42 (0.97–2.08) 0.07
 Cirrhosis 26 (9.4) 31 (3.6) 2.89 (1.68–4.97) <0.001
 Renal failure with ERT 8 (2.9) 20 (2.3) 1.30 (0.56–2.98) 0.54
Mac Cabe score
 0 81 (31.4) 493 (58.4) 1 1
 1 99 (38.4) 265 (31.4) 2.27 (1.64–3.16) <0.001 1.56 (1.02–2.37) 0.04
 2 78 (30.2) 86 (10.2) 5.52 (3.75–8.12) <0.001 3.66 (2.21–6.06) <0.001
SAPS2 62 ± 20 34 ± 16 1.08 (1.07–1.10) <0.001 1.08 (1.06–1.09) <0.001

NIV non invasive ventilation, ERT extra renal therapy