Fig. 1.
Two dimensional developmental stage X response time schema. Developmental stage/Dimension 1: Fruit were harvested weekly from 140 to 224 days after full bloom (DAFB). Fruit were assessed for a range of physiological parameters immediately at harvest (H). Developmental stage is given using the BBCH stage described in [33]. Immature fruit (BBCH 79) contained 80 % black seeds, and 100 % at BBCH 80 and all following stages. Phase 1 ripening (BBCH 80-89) occurs in the apparent absence of ethylene production. Phase 2 ripening (BBCH 90-92) is associated with autocatalytic ethylene production, volatile ester and terpene synthesis and senescence. Response time/Dimension 2: After harvest, fruit were treated with either propylene, ethylene or stored in air for 24 h. Fruit were then transferred to air and assessed for a range of physiological parameters at the points indicated by vertical bars between 1 and 5 days after harvest (DAH). Tissues selected for a mRNA-seq screen are indicated with a red text/bar and those selected for qPCR with a bold text/bar