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. 2015 Dec 29;15:304. doi: 10.1186/s12870-015-0697-9

Fig. 7.

Fig. 7

Relative expression changes of MADS box genes in response to propylene treatments during late maturation and Phase 1 ripening. Fruit were harvested from 140-224 days after full bloom (DAFB; BBCH stages 79-87) and treated in air or with 10,000 μL.L-1 propylene (P-1000) for 1 day. Expression was determined at harvest, and 1 day and 3 days after harvest (DAH) using gene-specific primers for: a. SEP4/RIN (HQ113364), b. TDR4/FUL (HQ113357), c. TAGL1 (Achn121201), d. AP3 (Achn135681). Mean expression values are given relative to ACTIN, using two independent biological replicates repeated four times. e A comparison of SEP4/RIN response to P-10000 treatment and TDR4/FUL. SEP4/RIN showed a decrease in expression through maturity (purple line) and a transient upregulation with propylene. TDR4/FUL has little increase in expression until 175 DAFB, then increases (blue line). It has no significant response to propylene. Significance response to propylene compared to harvest time point (a, b = p < 0.01)