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. 2015 Dec 30;15:353. doi: 10.1186/s12884-015-0779-6

Table 2.

Exploratory factor analysis of the belief items - initial rotated factor solution (n = 151)

Item (n = 36) Discomfort Capacity Effectiveness Role Trust Knowledge
Asking pregnant women about whether they have consumed alcohol during pregnancy can make them feel uncomfortable .780
Will cause anxiety and guilt among women who have consumed alcohol during pregnancy .769 -.122 -.106
Pregnant women don’t like to be asked about whether they have consumed alcohol during pregnancy .721 -.104
Will lead to some women feeling judged .710 .183 .199 -.163 -.144
Will distress or anger pregnant women .690 .163 -.101
Could make women fear losing custody of their child .627 -.142
Asking pregnant women whether they have consumed alcohol during pregnancy could appear judgemental .561 .325
I don’t like asking pregnant women to describe their behaviours which may have harmed their child .547 .224
Will threaten my relationship with pregnant women .521 .234 .160
I have doubts about whether I am doing the right thing when pregnant women who have only consumed small amounts of alcohol experience guilt after discussing their alcohol consumption .470 .241 .151
Will uncover complex problems that are difficult for us to address as midwives .428 -.229
Offers little real benefit for women who are not in high risk groups .298 -.130 .225 .149
Women who have consumed alcohol during pregnancy will consider terminating their pregnancy if asked about their alcohol consumption .206 .148 .113 .170
When I discuss the effects on the fetus and child of alcohol consumption during pregnancy I know what to say (R) .935 -.136
I have sufficient referral resources to adequately address alcohol use problems once identified (R) -.106 .723 .167 -.199
I have a good understanding of the evidence for the recommendation of no alcohol in pregnancy (R) .599 .284 -.144
I always know what to say when I ask pregnant women about whether they have consumed alcohol during pregnancy (R) .484 -.154 .203 .270
I know exactly what I need to do to ask pregnant women about whether they have consumed alcohol during pregnancy (R) .430 .216 .125 .159
Improves women’s awareness of the importance of not consuming alcohol during pregnancy (R) -.114 .698 -.180 .109
Will identify women who need support to stop consuming alcohol during pregnancy (R) .688
Is necessary for me to provide appropriate advice and support (R) .635
Will enable changes in behaviour and improved health outcomes for the mother and child (R) .606 .184
Brief intervention (assessment, feedback, counselling and referral to a specialist if necessary) to decrease alcohol exposure in pregnancy is effective (R) .262 .492
Will make it easier to diagnose or exclude alcohol related problems in the child (R) .127 .318 .191 -.167
Documentation of any amount of alcohol exposure in pregnancy is important (R) -.111 .987
Identifying all women who drink any amount of alcohol during pregnancy is good practice (R) .731
Identifying all women who drink alcohol during pregnancy can help to improve health outcomes (R) .177 .165 .510 -.224 .124
I don’t have sufficient time to ask every pregnant woman about whether they have consumed alcohol during pregnancy .115 -.267 .490 .206
I am uncomfortable asking pregnant women about their alcohol consumption before establishing a relationship of trust with them -.151 .207 -.101 .800
I am uncomfortable asking pregnant women about their alcohol consumption when it is the first time I have met them .600
I am uncomfortable asking pregnant women about their alcohol consumption as I may have a responsibility to notify the Department of .243 -.126 .551
Child Protection
When I feel short of time I am less likely to ask pregnant women about whether they have consumed alcohol during pregnancy .386 -.201
It is difficult to ask pregnant women about alcohol consumption during pregnancy without good knowledge of the effects of alcohol consumption during pregnancy on the fetus and child -.242 .379
I have the required skills to ask every pregnant woman about whether they have consumed alcohol during pregnancy (R) .345 .126 .353
Most pregnant women already have good knowledge about alcohol consumption in pregnancy -.121 .920
Most pregnant women know not to drink alcohol during pregnancy .766

(R) Scoring reversed for positively worded items

Loadings ≥ 0.4 are presented in bold

Loadings < 0.1 not shown