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. 2015 Dec 1;29(12):1346–1352. doi: 10.1089/end.2014.0818

Table 2.

Surgical Indications and Postoperative Outcomes for Patients Undergoing Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Heminephrectomy

Age (months) Sex Weight (kg) Indication for surgery Pathology in normal moiety Intervention for normal moiety Ipsilateral preop renal functiona Ipsilateral postop renal functiona Postoperative cyst/urinoma
3 F 8.0 Poorly functioning moiety None None 39% 39% Cyst
4 M 8.4 Poorly functioning moiety, UTI None None 43% 33% Urinoma
6 M 9.3 Poorly function moiety, associated ureterocele None None 41% 40% NR
9 M 11.3 Poorly functioning moiety, UTI, associated grade I VUR Grade IV VUR Delayed RAL ureteral reimplantation of the common sheath 31% 22% NR
10 F 9.1 Poorly functioning moiety, previous ureterocele incision c/b UTI and high grade VUR None None 43% NR NR
11 F 11.2 Poorly functioning moiety with ectopic ureter None None NR 40% NR
12 F 8.9 Poorly functioning moiety with ectopic ureter None None NR 47% Cyst
12 F 10.0 Poorly functioning moiety None None 47% 39% NR
13 F 10.9 Poorly functioning moiety, UTI None None 40% NR NR
22 F 13.0 Poorly functioning moiety, previous ureterocele incision c/b UTI and high grade VUR None None NR 46% NR
36 F 17.3 Poorly functioning moiety, previous ureterocele incision c/b UTI None None 42% 37% NR
37 F 12.2 Poorly functioning moiety, previous ureterocele incision c/b UTI & VUR Grade III VUR Concomitant RAL ureteral reimplantation of common sheath 58% NR Cyst
56 F 24.6 Poorly functioning moiety, incontinence from ectopic ureter None None 42% NR NR
60 F 18.7 Poorly functioning moiety, UTI, ectopic ureter None None 51% NR NR
108 F 37.7 Poorly functioning moiety, UTI, cecoureterocele, urinary incontinence None None 45% 46% Cyst
189 M 73.5 Poorly functioning moiety, pain None None NR NR Urinoma

On nuclear renography dimercaptosuccinic acid when available.

UTI=urinary tract infection,;VUR=vesicoureteral reflux; RAL=robotic-assisted laparoscopic; c/b=complicated b; NR=not reported.