Figure 2.
Renal biopsy at the time of relapse. (A) Representative glomeruli with cellular crescents. Note the pliable capillary walls with absence of remodeling and lack of proliferative activity (silver methenamine staining). (B) Segmental GBM discontinuities are noted in few of the glomeruli (arrow) (silver methenamine staining). (C) IF shows coarse granular C3c deposition (3+, 0–3+ scale) in the capillary walls (FITC-C3c staining). (D) Ultrastructural examination shows intramembranous dense deposits with irregular subepithelial and mesangial deposits, along with secondary foot process effacement (transmission EM, uranyl acetate-lead citrate). Original magnification, ×10 in A and C; ×60 in B; ×1000 in D.