(a) Schematic of extracellular recording in the ventral posteromedial nucleus of thalamus (VPM). (b) Example traces for Hit (blue), Miss (black) and Correct Rejection (red) trials. Arrows: stimulus onset. Cyan circles: licking. (c) Top: mean PSTHs (2 ms bins; ± SEM) for n = 17 recordings. Bottom: mean of differences between Hit and Miss PSTHs for each neuron (magenta; mean ± 95% confidence interval). Gray traces: individual recordings. Arrows: stimulus onset. (d) Evoked AP rate is higher for Hit trials compared with Miss trials during a transient (10 ms) window at the peak of the response (p = 0.0065, n = 17). (e) Evoked AP rate after the peak of the response showed no difference for Hit and Miss trials (p = 0.63, two-tailed sign test, n = 17). (f) Pre-stimulus AP rate is similar for Hit and Miss trials (p = 0.14, two-tailed sign test, n = 17). (g) Mean time course of detect probability (black) and stimulus probability (gray) across all VPM recordings. Arrow: stimulus onset. n.s., p > 0.05; **, p < 0.01.