Figure 1.
Rotarod deficits at 7 months in SCA684Q/84Q mice. A, Schematic of experimental paradigm: accelerating rotarod experiments were conducted in four trials per day for 5 days of testing at each age. B, No significant differences on D4 and D5 were observed among SCA684Q/84Q, SCA684Q/+, and WT genotypes at 3, 4, 5, or 6 months old; however, SCA684Q/84Q mice display poorer performance on rotarod on D4 and D5 at 7 months compared with WT mice (Genotype: F(2,37) = 12.19; p = 0.0004, one-way ANOVA with post hoc Tukey’s test; ***p < 0.0005; p > 0.05 where not indicated; N = 8 − 10 SCA684Q/84Q mice depending on age, 5 − 9 SCA684Q/+ mice, and 6 − 9 WT mice (consult Table 1 for sample size at each age).